Not That Bad a Day

James 5:16  “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”
Today’s verse did not mean much for me until later in the day.  I had a rough morning.  I had a few bad phone calls with cranky customers and some personnel issues.  It happens.  Today, since I had less sleep than normal, I was getting fed up with everything that was going on.  Yes, I know, I should be the one setting the example, letting people see the Christian having grace under pressure.
I failed today.
I was so disheartened and cranky that I neglected to look at my “verse of the day” until much later than normal.  When I did, I thought to myself, “Well, sure.  But how can I apply that to myself today?”  I was about to find out.
We had a couple of kids join our church a while back.  A couple of months ago, they moved up north to be with their mother.  I think that is wonderful.  Today I received a prayer request on their behalf.  Their car had been broken into, and the thieves set it on fire.  Their family is now without a car.
I immediately was smitten by the Holy Spirit.  Not such a bad day now, is it, cry baby?  Now, the Holy Spirit didn’t call me a name, but that’s how I felt.  I mean, was I really that upset because a couple people didn’t do what I asked them to do, and a few customers got mad because I called them?  I’m a collector; people don’t generally like me when I’m on the phone with them.  I said a prayer for that family, and the verse I read earlier came to mind.  “Confess your faults one to another.”  It does not say “Confess your sins,” because you are to confess those to the Lord.  The jist of this verse is this; let other people know where you fail, so they can learn from it.  Your mistakes can edify the brethren.  The best preachers preach from their own lives, and let you know that they are human too, not some being that spends the week in heaven with God, and then comes down Sunday to impart some wisdom to you.
Preachers are people.  I am a person.  People make mistakes.
And I let the world beat me today.  By God’s grace, I will endure tomorrow, be the example He wants me to be.